Young generally advises first-time formula users (especially those whose babies have not yet started solids) to try a “formula that at least has some extra whey added. Whey versus casein: Most formulas include whey protein in addition to casein protein to make the ratio of the milk proteins more similar to human milk.Porto is skeptical that there would be any benefit, but acknowledged that for a baby who seems to have a milk-protein sensitivity, A2 milk formula could potentially be easier to digest, in the same way that formulas with broken-down (or hydrolyzed) proteins are. But some cows produce A2 beta-casein, which is used in A2 formulas and is claimed to be more similar to human milk. Most cow’s milk contains predominantly A1 beta-casein. A1 and A2 refer to the type of beta-casein (a protein) found in milk. A2: In 2020, Enfamil, Gerber, and Similac released formulas featuring A2 milk.You should consider these formulas only if your baby has a diagnosed medical need for them. Formulas with extensively hydrolyzed protein are sometimes called “hypoallergenic,” and they’re for babies who are allergic to milk proteins or those who have or are at risk for other medical issues.

Partially hydrolyzed: The milk proteins have been partly broken down, which makes them closer to the size of the proteins in human milk.Baby formulas with intact proteins, often called “traditional” formulas, are the most commonly used. Intact: The milk proteins have not been broken down.